#EndSARS memorial: Baba-Ahmed plays down ‘massacre’ at Lekki tollgate


The Vice Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party, Senator Yusuf Datti-Baba Ahmed has downplayed the alleged massacre at the Lekki Tollgate in Lagos State on October 20, 2020, stating that there was only an abuse.

According to him, the use of massacre is highly debatable.

Ahmed made this claim on Thursday night when he appeared on a television programme.

“There was abuse of procedure, if some people interpret that as massacre. The use of ‘massacre’ in #EndSARS is highly debatable but I can say for sure there were abuses of procedure and civil rights violations,” he said.

He added that it was “heavy” to say that the Labour Party was a beneficiary of the #EndSARS protest.

In his words, “It’s a very heavy statement to make, saying that our party, Labour Party is a beneficiary of EndSARS. While we are always on the side of the people, on side of good governance, we are against attrition; we are against repression and all those.

“You may be more correct to put it in another way, but we are not direct beneficiaries of EndSARS. The use of the word ‘massacre’ is highly debatable. We never wanted EndSARS to happen. We never want any Nigerian whatsoever to be attacked. Accordingly, we are not happy for anybody to say we are beneficiaries of EndSARS.

“We benefit from a peaceful Nigeria. That is what we benefit from. We benefit from progress and development. We are about correcting all the mistakes of bad governance.”


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