Niger lawmaker cries out, says constituency under control of bandits


The Senator representing Niger East, Sani Musa, has raised an alarm over the activities of bandits in his senatorial district, particularly Shiroro Local Government Area.

Musa, who cried out in a statement on Friday, condemned the attack on a mining site, adding that residents have become refugees.

The lawmaker added that attacks unleashed by bloodthirsty bandits have had a huge toll on his people, especially in terms of accessibility to food and other necessities.

Musa thus called on the government to come up with aggressive measures in order to address the crisis.

He said: “I am indeed saddened at the report of the cold-blooded murder of 30 of our security men and some locals by dare devil blood thirsty terrorists who invaded the Ajata Aboki mining community in Erena ward of Shiroro Local Government of Niger State on Wednesday.

“This latest incident has further put families and loved ones of our security personnel in trauma and untold hardship which they do not deserve.

“It has also further depleted the nation’s security personnel which unfortunately has not met the required manpower needed to secure the lives and property of people in the state and the country as a whole.

“This cold blooded murder of innocent Nigerians is totally condemnable and should be condemned by all peace loving members of our society.

“While I sincerely sympathise and commiserate with families of the slain security personnel and the locals killed, I pray for the repose of their souls and for Allah to grant them aljana fidausi.

“It is however necessary to again restate my call on the federal government to rise to the security challenges facing this country, a development that has deprived our people their right to peaceful and purposeful living.

“It is very sad that now that the farming season has commenced, many farmers in my constituency have not been able to go to their farms as a result of the activities of bandits and terrorists.

“Many of my people especially those in Shiroro Munya and Rafi Local Government Areas are now refugees in Internally Displaced People’s camps or hibernating with relations in Minna and other safe environments.

“This is totally unacceptable, therefore government should take immediate steps to create the needed atmosphere for these people to live gainful and peaceful lives and fend for themselves and their families.”


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