Donald Trump’s quest to return to presidency: A delusory dreamer or a sleazy Grifter



How did America get here? A former, one-term, twice impeached, disgraced, and defeated President continues to tell his voters that he is the actual President. And stating that the current occupant of the White House, the man who won the election by a whopping eight million votes, is not the President.

We have never seen anything like this before. Laughable or ludicrous as this may sound, it is pretty troubling with hazardous implications to the nation’s democratic framework with long-lasting ramifications.

We were told recently by the New York Times that Trump has reportedly being “telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated as president by August.” Some have called his statement delusory; I’m afraid I have to disagree. I think it is a well thought out cynical attempt geared towards a more roguish motive.

Let us examine that statement further. So, This ex-president is whispering to those who care to listen that he will be reinstalled President in a few short months. Not in three and half years, supposing he contest and win, but in two and half months.

Whether Tump meant what he said is irrelevant. What matters is that the United States constitution does not have a provision that allows a former president to step or teeter back in the presidency unless through a lawful constituted electoral process and the people duly elect him. The next presidential election is not until three-plus years from now. Thus, a potential new president will not be sworn in office until January 2024.

Anyhow, Trump continues to tell his supporters that he was cheated out of the presidency because, according to him, the election was a fraud. This is despite the overwhelming evidence indicating otherwise. Even his handpicked security chief tasked with ensuring election integrity stated in unambiguous terms that the 2020 election was the most secured in U.S. history.

Yet Donald Trump continues to push this false narrative on his followers who have audaciously swallowed his lunacy hook line and sinker, and accepted his dogma.

The obvious question is, does Trump believe that he won the election as some have suggested when all verifiable facts state otherwise? States’ elections run and managed by his brown-nosed Republican flunkies, all willingly certified his loss. Courts across the country, including courts with Republican-appointed judges in State courts to the United States Supreme Court, affirmed that he lost the election. He mounted over 86 legal challenges against the election processes, vote counting, and votes certifications and lost every single one of them. As a result of his defeats, on the morning of January 20, 2021, he was whisked out of the white house

So what then is propelling his maniacal obsession with this alternate reality?

Notwithstanding its resemblance to a classic case of psychopathy, two hypotheses comes to mind. Either Donald Trump intends to seize power in a coup d’etat forcefully and illegally, or the man is motivated by money. The latter seems more likely than the formal, even though his corrupt national security adviser, Michael Flynn, suggested that a Myanmar-style coup d’etat should happen in the United States.

Many who think that Donald Trump believes that he won the election are just as credulous as his supporters. The man is not confused that he lost the election and, more importantly, knows he cannot be president again. Not in two and half months nor four years. He is done. And he knows it. He is aware that soon his presidency will be banished to the trash heap of history.

However, his behavior lately is reminiscent of how he has lived his life, run his companies, and ruled as President, ranging from stiffing contractors of their pay, running a fake university to con unsuspecting people, and billing taxpayers for water he consumed at his own hotel.

His is the behavior of a grifter who preys on people.

Donald Trump hopes to stay relevant. This is why he continues to trade the notion of returning to power. And it is for one purpose, so he can siphon off raw cash from his wittingly gullible cultish followers who are willing to live and die for his ignoble cause.

To achieve this goal, Trump will continue to mislead them with foolish and reckless talk of coming back to power. And happily, these adherents will part with their money so that Donald can continue his lies.

After his defeat at the ballot last November, many had thought the era of Donald Trump is over and we can now turn the page. Alas, to our disbelief, his loss cemented an already dangerous tribal instinct that started back in 2016 and now howls at every non-tribe. Like a wounded lion, his bloodthirsty followers, in a tribal rebellion, stormed the capital in an attempt to take down the U.S. government and to restore their champion forcefully.

This MAGA tribe attacks the truth, insulates Trump of any wrong, and creates an alternative fact that aligns with their befuddled narratives as long as it makes their hero, Trump, looks good.

Amy Chua, puts it better in her book “Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations”, where she contends that the tribal instinct is not just to belong but also to exclude and to attack. “When groups feel threatened,” Chua writes, “they retreat into tribalism. They close ranks and become more insular, more defensive, more punitive, more us-versus-them.” Thus, today, it is the MAGA tribe versus the rest of America. And this is the reason they continue to fund Trump and arouse his illusory quest to return to power. Just like the mythical twelve dwarfs in the Hobbits Franchise, where the latter will stop at nothing other than seeing their beloved King (Thorin Oakenshield) reclaim the lonely mountains and throne from a dragon Smaug.

Sadly, this is the mental state of Trump supporters and the Republican Party, together representing 30 percent of the country, and unfortunately, there is no reprieve anytime soon.

But if Donald Trump is in a mental congruence with his sheep, we can infer that the man is as deluded as his followers. But this is not the case.

Donald Trump knows that most American people aren’t stupid; he is aware that they see right through his political charade and has concluded that his words are the bragging of a “pompous old windbag” blowing hot air so long as it brings him money.

Notwithstanding this cognizance, Trump is fully convinced that an overwhelming number of the Republican Party are a bunch of “ding dongs” willing and enthusiastically ready to swallow whatever pile of “horseshit” he shoves in their mouths. If he wraps up faeces in ribbons and sells it to them, they won’t ask what’s inside but what price they should pay.

Such is the political excrements Trump has been selling his faithful since 2016.

And every year since then, they’ve been willing to pay a higher price for it even when the cost means the destruction of the American democracy, which countless have fought and died for.

Recently, reports surfaced that he has been fleecing his supporters into reoccurring donations when they believed that their donation was just a one-time contribution. Then, his scam intensified into “money dumb,” a check box buried in fine prints, which doubles the unsuspecting donor’s contribution without them knowing it. This has allowed Trump to enrich himself to a tune of 250 million dollars, allowing him to use this flush of cash essentially for anything he wants.

When Trump repeatedly says that he won the election, he is not saying so because he believed he won; he says this because he wanted his acolytes to think that he won. So that in their belief, they’ll continue to contribute money to him. He doesn’t mind running this scam as long as the people are willing to path with their hard-earned cash. He will only abadon these lies only when there is no political capital left for him to spend. Yet the most baffling of all this is that the people who support him know he is lying to them.

Unsurprisingly, the grifter in chief has now converted the entire Republican Party to his cult, all of whom are now his cheerful chorus singers willing to ride the Donald Trump train until it derails.

With this feat, Donald J Trump has pulled off the world’s grand political heist on the American public.

I doubt that he will be forgotten anytime soon.


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  1. This is ridiculous. If the so called supporters are aware he hasn’t been telling the truth after all and they still continue to contribute funds to support him, it then means they are all in the game together.


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