5 times Fani-Kayode hurled insults at Buhari



Former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode, on Thursday, officially returned to the All Progressives Congress (APC), a party he dumped in 2014 over what he described as ‘irreconcilable differences’.

Following the recent trend of defectors, the vocal lawyer met with President Muhammadu Buhari, the man he has serially attacked since 2015.

Since the internet never forgets, here are five of his most explosive jibes aimed at the President.

1 – Buhari will end up like the biblical ‘Herod, Pharaoh and Sennacheru’ – 2018

For declaring that he will jail more looters, FFK said Buhari will end up like the biblical “Herod, Pharaoh and Sennacherib” because he allegedly carried out more corrupt practices than any other leader.

2 – Pernicious liar, a loud-mouthed hypocrite and a schoolyard bully – 2018

Continuing, FFK said “You are nothing but a pernicious liar, a loud-mouthed hypocrite and a schoolyard bully. No-one has looted as much money, inflicted as much pain and shed as much innocent blood as you”.

3 – A monster – 2020

Reacting to Buhari’s speech during the EndSARS protest, FFK said “Buhari’s speech was an insult to our people, a disgrace to humanity and a stench in the nostrils of God. He is not a President,he is a dictator. He is not a man, he is a monster”.

4 – Cruel, empathetic and sociopathic – 2020

Continuing he said, “He(Buhari) is not warm, he is cold. He is not kind, he is cruel. He is not empathetic, he is sociopathic”.

5 – Responsible for genocide

Responding to Rev W.F Kumuyi’s call to Christian not to criticise the president, FFK said “hundreds of people are being slaughtered every day and genocide, ethnic cleansing and mass murder are alive and well in our shores and someone is telling us not to attack the man that is responsible for it by his actions and inactions?”


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