#EndSARS: IGP rallies police on safety of protesters 



By Aiyeku Timothy

The Inspector-General of Police, Mr Mohammed Adamu, on Tuesday, urged police officers in Ebonyi State to ensure the safety of protesters as he called for the application of the rule of their engagement in stopping violence.

IGP Adamu, who stated this while addressing officers during his one-day visit to Ebonyi as part of his tour to states after the #EndSARS protest in October, said no protesters should be killed in the second round of protest.

Insisting that the Police Force will not tolerate any form of violent protest across the country, the IGP decried the high level of destruction of lives and property caused by the #EndSARS protest as he commended the personnel on their efforts to save the country from anarchy.

However, Adamu called on Nigerians to maintain peace and order, while assuring on the preparedness of the force to work hard to protect the lives and property of the citizenry.

His words: “If you want to engage in any protest, it must be peaceful and police will provide to you all the necessary security to carry such protest, but if it is going to be violence, we will stop you.

“The police rule of engagement is still in use and we will continue to apply it to checkmate violent protest, especially riot.

“To the policemen, when you are on ground during any protest, try to access the situation, if the protest is violence, apply the rule of engagement, make use of maximum force that requires on that situation.

“You, as police are specially trained to protect lives and not to kill them. Always know when to use your firearm, but you are not meant to kill,” he advised.

In his remark, the Commissioner of Police Ebonyi State Command, Mr Philip Maku recounted the loss caused by the #EndSARS protest. He disclosed that a total of five police officers lost their lives.

“Furthermore, 11 police structures were destroyed in Ebonyi. A total of 20 vehicles were vandalised and burnt among which, five were police vehicles,” he said.


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