Former minister, Ikira Aliyu Bilbis released from prison


A former Minister of Information and a Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) senatorial candidate, Alhaji Ikra Aliyu Bilbis, has been released from prison.

Recall that he was remanded over alleged criminal conspiracy and public disturbances.

The minister was arrested by police operatives two weeks ago and arraigned before the Zamfara State Upper Sharia Court 11.

The court granted the minister bail under difficult conditions of producing a serving permanent secretary in the state civil service and someone who has a house in Gusau town worth N20m as sureties.

He was, however, unable to meet the conditions, which made him be detained in prison custody until Wednesday, 14th December 2022, when he was finally released unconditionally.

When contacted, the Legal Adviser to the state chapter of PDP, Barrister Shehu Ajiya, confirmed his release to newsmen.

“The former minister was released on bail without any attached condition.

“At the resumed hearing of the matter on Dec.13, the presiding judge was not in court but later sent a notice of his release without any condition,” he said.


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