Gov Makinde shuts Shasha Market as crisis erupts in Ibadan



By Aiyeku Timothy 

Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State has ordered the closure of Shasa market in Ibadan after a crisis that erupted on Friday.

Reports claim that one person was killed in the market as a result of a charm allegedly placed on him by another fellow.

This resulted into a free for all in the market on Friday, which extended to Saturday morning.

The State government under the leadership of Engineer Seyi Makinde has, however, ordered the closure of the market with immediate effect.

The closure is indefinite according to a statement made by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Mr. Taiwo Adisa.

Adisa in the statement issued on Saturday, said the governor gave the order to forestall breakdown of law and order in the area.

“His Excellency, Governor Seyi Makinde has directed the immediate closure of Shasha market indefinitely following reports of a breach of peace in the area.

“The governor has also approved the imposition of curfew on Shasha. It will run from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m.

“Residents of the affected area are enjoined to go about their legitimate businesses within the hours stipulated by the law.

“Anyone caught disrupting the peace of the community will be made to face the wrath of the law,” he said.


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