Institutional Reformer Jonah Ubanmhen Announces 4-Year Plan For Digital Broadcasting Regulation


In the quest to regulate digital communication technologies and bolster the nation’s economy, institutional reformer Jonah Ubanmhen, in a recent online interview, has laid the foundation for how to review decades-old regulations to rein in the benefits of a new digital world in Nigeria. The changes will be set out in high-level reforms for which a proposal will be submitted to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nation’s agency for ICT technologies.

To boost economic growth under the current media architecture, the Nigeria Institutional Reform Group (NIRG), led by Jonah proposes a four-year strategic plan with the ITU to help ensure digital broadcasting protections in Nigeria and the West Africa Sub-region. The group will closely monitor trends in other countries such as Morocco, South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, the United States, France, Canada, Russia, and China.

“Bold regulatory approaches are needed to guide ground-breaking technology, start-ups, and growing businesses. This will foster collaboration and drive digital transformation in the new digital world. This is when Nigcomsat (Nigerian Communications Satellite) should drive the process by taking a big leap so Nigeria can effectively take her digital technology forward. Nigeria can set a benchmark in the regulatory regime worldwide in line with ITU Secretary-General Bogdan-Martin’s vision of a digital future, Jonah noted.

Speaking further, he highlighted that the time has come when Nigeria comes first in making global policies and ITU regulations. “ITU is a global organization, and digital communication happens to be a global affair. Therefore, we need new cooperation to drive the sustainability of our communication networks. I believe we need ITU’s regulatory leadership on digital broadcasting to guarantee that we don’t focus on the wrong priorities. Otherwise, we could end up with digital laws that don’t fit the economic or business environment.”

The Geneva-based International Telecommunications Union’s structure will allow for setting up regulations for easier use in the digital space. Nigeria can work towards protecting its interest as well as that of other developing nations who look up to Nigeria. Building a shared digital future is the responsibility of all countries, and Nigeria is committed to playing her part to help other nations of the world close the digital divide and ensure that all can enjoy the benefits of the global digital space.

Jonah stressed that Nigeria must be quick to present proposals for establishing a framework for the governance and use of new media tools and to ensure the adequate protection of technology that travels through the digital broadcasting space. This proposal should focus on technology safety, including digitally promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms and ensuring people can access safe and reliable broadcast services globally.

“In signing this Cooperation, Nigeria and her partners will work together to promote this vision and its principles globally,” Jonah assured.

The launch of this initiative by Jonah and his team in the digital broadcast regulatory space can create an economic fortune for Nigeria. This is a major diplomatic win for Nigeria to effectively contribute to digital broadcast regulations over the next four years and to become a data science and technology hub in the comity of nations. It is thus remarkable that Jonah has spoken publicly about his plans for economic growth.

“Our dynamic world urgently needs improved digital cooperation to capitalize on the transformational potential of technology to create new jobs, boost financial inclusion, close the gender gap, spur a green recovery, and redesign our nation to be more prosperous and inclusive. Now is the time to act. I believe this is one of the new projects that can make a change in the next four years. So, on a very high level, I would say that we are building bridges to bring hope and opportunity to all by creating an inclusive, innovative, sustainable digital future for all,” he concluded.


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