We’ve taken steps to block leakages of public funds — Kano Gov Yusuf


Kano State Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf says his government has taken bold steps to block leakages of public funds in the state.

The Governor made this known on Saturday while commemorating the International Anticorruption Day in the state.

Governor Yusuf represented by his Deputy Comrade Aminu Abdussalam Gwarzo said the block in the leakage translated in the dividend of democracy.

He added that government has succeeded in reversing all illegal deduction of pensioners benefit and workers salaries in the state.

According to him, “it is reflective the fact that we have taken bold steps to block leakages in the financial system of government.

“It is part of our promises during our campaign and even included in our blueprint that we will run a transparent accountable leadership with zero tolerance to corruption for Kano state to prosper as the most populous state and centre of commerce for the entire region.

“And since our inception, we swung into action through recovery of public assets illegally diverted for personal benefits such as the Asiya Bayero pediatric hospital which has been renovated and resumed full operation and rendering healthcare services to the good people of Kano State. Also go to the Accident and Emergency centre of Murtala Muhammad Specialist hospital where we equipped. So the blocked leakages has now translated into meaningful achievement which we are witnessing today.

“Just few days ago, we flagged off payment of gratuity to pensioners in the state. A humongous sum of N6 billion was paid to pensioners from grade one to five. It is also on record that when we came in May 29th, salaries were paid. Many of the state civil servants, local government and unfortunately including pensioners were not receiving their proper salaries as illegal deduction were been carried out on their salaries which represents a very corrupt practices because nobody knows what the monies were used for.

“In our resolve to ensure corrupt free civil services, the administration prioritize the implementation of Kano Anticorruption strategy, a document mapping out modules of fighting corruption as well as creation of anticorruption transparency units in all the MDAs jointly supervised by Kano State Public Complaint and Anti-Corruption Commission, Head of Civil Service with support of development partners,” Governor Yusuf said.


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