Digital Broadcast is a bold step towards economic transformation – Jonah Ubanmhen


In a strategic move towards economic reform, Nigerian institutional reformer Jonah Ubanmhen is championing a transition to a digital economy that prioritizes innovation in service of the people and the common good. Ubanmhen believes that leveraging digital broadcast for the public good can set new standards in Nigeria’s labor structure and benefit workers across the nation while aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

While acknowledging that digital broadcast is not a novel concept, Ubanmhen asserts its increasing relevance in addressing the development challenges and opportunities of the future. He emphasizes the need for technology to serve people, promote the common good, and underpin labor policies that ensure decent work and equal opportunities while safeguarding workers’ socio-economic and political rights.

“A push for the transition to a digital economy where innovation is at the service of people and the common good can set standards in the labour structure and for workers across the nation,” Obanmhen said in a media chat with KAFTAN Post. He spoke on calls for a reorientation of technological development to tackle pressing social and economic issues, from unemployment to high energy costs and public health challenges. Obanmhen envisions Nigeria shifting from an employment system focused on stability to one centered on growth.

This ambitious directive aims to ensure transparency in work-related transactions and contracts, all in line with the SDGs.

”Today, the world of work is at a crossroads, with the need to promote a model of an entrepreneurial state that innovates and places technological transformation at the service of workers and to keep pace with the growth of the working population. What is more, the quality of jobs will need to be improved in order to enable women and men to lift themselves out of poverty.” Ubanmhen sees this initiative as a significant step toward enhancing education, uplifting Nigeria’s workforce, and generating practical skills and data that can inspire other countries. He recognizes the need for a new generation of support and social protection policies for the people.

Working closely with the International Labor Organization (ILO) and other development partners, Jonah Ubanmhen and his team are establishing the Digital Broadcast Test, an organizational standard for media owners, employees, and workers. This initiative prioritizes job creation, entrepreneurial opportunities in the digital economy, digital skills development, and the delivery of optimal public and private employment services.

Ubanmhen’s directive seeks to promote digital skills, stimulate demand for digital services among micro, small, and medium enterprises, and create new jobs while strengthening existing programs in the labor market. It signifies Nigeria’s commitment to structural transformation and a transition towards a digital economy through investments in digital infrastructure and innovative use of information technology.

Jonah Ubanmhen expresses his strong support for the SDGs and emphasizes the importance of collaboration with ILO and other partners to achieve these goals. He recognizes the media’s pivotal role in public enlightenment and achieving inclusive growth and socio-economic integration for women and youth.

“By telling stories and making news content in digital format, the media have a critical role in public enlightenment and helping make Nigeria and the World a much more progressively prosperous and peaceful. This is also part of our broader objectives of promoting inclusive growth and socio-economic integration of women and youths,” he said.

In conclusion, Jonah Ubanmhen’s Digital Broadcast Initiative marks a pivotal moment in Nigeria’s journey towards economic transformation, digital empowerment, and the realization of Sustainable Development Goals. His commitment to labor conditions and decent work aligns with the broader objectives of advancing prosperity and peace.


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