Power generation declines for the third time in May 2022- TCN



The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has said Nigeria’s power generation dipped by 0.9% on Tuesday to 86.77kMWh when compared to 87.58kMWh recorded the previous day. This drop made it the third consecutive daily decline in energy generation.

Similarly, power supply recorded a 0.9% decrease to 85.44kMWh on Tuesday as against 86.24kMWh supplied on Monday, 9th May 2022. Nigeria’s energy generation has fallen further below the minimum 105kMWh required to record some level of stability in power supply in the country.

Meanwhile, Nigerians continue to grapple with epileptic power supply, with multiple grid disruptions recorded so far in 2022, causing widespread blackouts across the country.

The highest frequency for the day was 50.53Hz, while the lowest frequency was 49.12Hz. Also, 98.48% of the energy generated on Tuesday was supplied to DisCos.

Meanwhile, Nigeria’s Minister of Power, Mr. Abubakar Aliyu while discussing in an interactive session on “Frequent National Grid collapse” with the Senate Committee on Power and critical stakeholders said that the ministry is working towards reliable power grid to ensure efficient electricity supply in the country.


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