Ramadan Talk Day 23: Benefits of making ablution


Zulaykha Abodunrin

A Muslim prays 5 times daily and for which he prepares himself by making wudhu and wearing clean clothes. These might seem like an ethic or a procedure before prayer but Allah, the Evergiving and Most Merciful has placed health benefits in wudhu. Each time a Muslim does wudhu he cleanses himself internally in terms of health as well as soul.

Benefits of Making Wudhu In Islam:

Islam has put a great deal of importance in doing Wudhu. It is as obligatory on us as is Prayer. But is Wudhu only a step of cleaning our body? No!

Wudhu not only cleanses our body but it also helps in purifying our soul which is important for a Muslim when he stands before Allah.

“If a person does Wudhu correctly and then looks towards the sky and reads Kalimatus-Shahadah, all eight (8) doors of Heaven are opened for him and he may enter through whichever one of them he pleases.”

(Sahih Muslim, V1, P122)

So now we see that making wudhu has many rewards in Islam. The importance Allah has placed in Wudhu is special because it is a means of attaining good health and it also has many health benefits which is being discovered by non-Muslims, scientists and researchers.

  1. Washing hands, face and feet:

Wudhu removes all the dust and dust that has accumulated on the skin.

Refreshes the skin by removing fatigue.

Keeps skin looking younger and stops skin aging.

Opens skin pores.

Disperses sweat and fats.

Protects eyes by cleaning it.

  1. Washing mouth:

Removes food particles.

Prevents teeth problems.

Gets rid of mouth odors.

Gives strength to the muscles of the mouth.

  1. Rinsing nostrils:

Removes germs trapped in the hair follicles of nose.

Prevents the germs from entering the body.

  1. Washing the ears (inside & behind):

Removes extra wax from the ears.

Prevents wax buildups.

Prevents Mastoiditis (A bacterial infection of the mastoid air cells surrounding the inner and middle ear) from arising.

  1. Washing between the toes:

Removes all the bacteria hidden between fingers and inside nails.

Prevents athlete’s foot.

  1. Washing the Arms:

Prevents mental problems. There are 3 major veins in elbow connected to the heart, liver and the brain.

Gives strength. Puts pressure at points of particles of light creating a flow.

  1. Wiping the Head:

Prevents spinal cord problems.

There is a major vein between the back of head and neck which connects the spinal cord.

Spreads energy throughout the body. There are several nerves passing through that major nerve which spreads throughout the body.

Prevents fever and mental problems.

Regulates high blood pressure.


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