‘Safe and healthy’, Tonto Dikeh debunks surgery complication rumour



Nollywood actress and politician, Tonto Dikeh, has debunked rumours that she had complications following her third cosmetic surgery.

The actress had shared on her official Instagram page about how she recently underwent her third cosmetic surgery.

In a recent post on IG, she shared a screenshot post of a fan who had stated that the actress needed prayer over her recent surgery because she is fighting for her life following the surgery.

The actress debunked the rumour stating that the only prayer she needs is how to revoverthe money she spent for her political career.

She pointed that the same ‘evil fans’ didn’t pray for her or spread her political ambition but they are the first to share unverified negative rumours about her.

Her caption read, “The way we celebrate and pray publicly with clout when we hear bad news is alarming!!!..

“When I came out for deputy governor of my state I didn’t see strangers like this one,show care by praying for me but as soon as you hear one negative unverified [email protected] you wanna pray publicly and attract all those negative responses..

“Anyways my surgery with @realign_aesthetic_clinic based in ENUGU STATE WENT AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGG???????????

“My body banging and my health on top notch…If you have to PRAY, PLS PRAY I RECOVER ATLEAST HALF THE MONEY?? I SPENT ON POLITICS..????.

“No prayer is a waste I understand but pls don’t BOTHER JESUS ON MY BEHALF. I AM SAFE IN MY OWN HOME doing chores and running errands???”


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