Why Nollywood actresses are more successful than actors – Linda Osifo



Nollywood actress, Linda Osifo, has revealed cogent reasons why actresses in the industry make more money than the actors.

The actress appeared on Rubbin Minds with Ebuka Obi-Uchendu to talk about her journey in the industry.

According to her, she had no direction when she started, she was just there, trying to find what works best for her.

She also spoke about Nollywood, saying it “is large and there are many genres you can bring out of Nollywood.”

When asked about why it seems like women do better than men in the industry. Ebuka pointed out the fact that some men in the industry get to be paid more than women, yet they remain at a certain level, while the women make more.

She made references to the cars and houses often shown on social media, achievements made by women.

Osifo pointed out that women are exposed to better opportunities in the industry. They get to be an ambassador for skincare and basically everything, compared to men.

She said, “As a woman compared to a man I have more options to get more jobs than a man. I can advertise hair, wigs, shoes and a wide range of clothes from brands which most men cannot.

“The ratio of men to women is 1:3 which makes the market wider for us.

“I’ve become a brand ambassador to skincare brands and that’s an industry that men don’t dominate and conquer so this is how women are more successful. Women have more opportunities to make money.”


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