‘He’s human’, actress Yewande Adekoya beg fans over husband’s infidelity



Nollywood actress, Yewande Adekoya, has pleaded with her fans over her husband’s infidelity.

The actress, who is rumored to have left her husband’s house, has taken to Instagram to beg her fans, asking them to forgive him.

Recall that a blogger had called the husband out for several affairs, especially the ones linked on Instagram. The blogger claimed the infidelity led to Yewande moving out of the house.

It was also reported that Yewande does not want the husband called out.

The actress, in a new post, said, “I beg you all in the name of Almighty God, I know you all mean well for us but please kindly stop dragging daddy precious online.

“If not that I had to debunk a false narrative being told against me regarding our issue, the truth about our present situation would still have being kept private like I wanted it.

“I know he has made a lot of mistakes, please kindly forgive him. All I wish for him is for him to finally attain the best version of himself in this lifetime whether he is with me or not.

“He is human and far from perfect and so am I.”


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