No need for kidney transplant – Medical facility debunks Jayboogie’s claims



The medical facility, CGE, has debunked rumours that crossdresser, Jayboogie, needs a kidney transplant.

Recall that the crossdresser in a series of video posts has been shedding light into his complications from a BBL surgery he attempted to do.

Jayboogie had revealed that both his kidneys have collapsed and he needs help. 

Another friend of his had stated that the medical facility is not doing their job.

In a statement released by the medical facility, Jayboogie is indeed suffering from complications that arose from the BBL surgery.

They claimed that the surgery in fact had been successful but the crossdresser had been releasing less urine after the surgery and this had quickly been attended to by having some tests carried out.

According to them, the crossdresser had been frantic and had refused to go to another facility for adequate treatment. 

They however debunked the claims that he needs a kidney transplant. They said they are still trying to manage the situation.


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