Sir Victor Uwaifo brought glory to Nigeria – Buhari



President Muhammadu Buhari has expressed sadness over the death of the multi-talented artiste, Sir Victor Uwaifo.

Uwaifo, 80, died after a brief illness in Benin City, Edo State, on Saturday.

The President, according to a statement issued by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, said Uwaifo brought glory to Nigeria through his international tours and the active role he played in national development.

“President Muhammadu Buhari condoles with family, friends and associates of legendary musician and multi-talented artiste, Sir Victor Uwaifo, who passed on Saturday, leaving a legacy of successes in many areas of life, including academia and administration,” the statement said.

“The President joins the Nigerian music industry and performing artistes, home and abroad, in mourning the former first Honourable Commissioner for Arts, Culture and Tourism (Edo State), who was also the first musician and instrumentalist to be given National Honours Merit, Member of the Order of the Niger (MON) in 1983.

“President Buhari believes the renowned musician, with global appeal and recognitions, lived for many firsts, which include invitation to the State House by four presidents and Heads of State, and winner of a gold disc in Africa for his song, “Joromi’’, released in 1965 at the age of 24.

“The President notes the glory that Sir Uwaifo brought to Nigeria through his international tours, and the active role he played in national development, returning to school to get a first degree at age 54 with first class honours, masters degree at 56, and a doctorate at 77”.

President Buhari, however, prayed for the soul of the departed musician, writer, sculptor, musical instrument inventor and university lecturer, knowing the entire country, particularly the music industry, will sorely miss him.


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