Young Nigerian debuts on Steve Harvey show


Kasiari Egbon

According to an American actor, Patrick Duffy, “Goodluck happens to people who work hard for it”. This has been proven true in the case of a young Nigerian Eli WADUBA Yusuf. His hard work eventually set him apart when he decided to share a pencil drawing of the popular American actor and comedian; Kevin hart on his twitter page.

Eli waduba Yusuf is a Kaduna based hyperrealism Pencil Artist who enjoys drawing and this has generated a lot of buzz with his work being described as “world class”. He took to his twitter page on February 25 and posted a drawing he had made of Kevin Hart and pleaded with his followers to help him retweet the picture till it gets the attention of the American artist.

Intrestingly, Kevin hart got to behold the beautiful drawing of him and tweeted this; apparently, the young Nigerian artiste dream was finally realised with Kevin hart promising to buy his designs off.

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